Professional Diplomas

Professional Diploma for Teaching German as a Foreign Language Training of Teachers (TOT)  

Program Objective:

By the end of this program applicants will be able to ..

  1. Define communicative learning objectives.
  2. Deliver an effective lesson plan.
  3. Apply different teaching methods in classroom.
  4. Effectively engage learners in classroom activities.
  5. Design and apply activities for all learners to improve their receptive and productive language skills.
  6. Use formative and summative techniques in class room evaluation.
  7. Plan multimedia environments in class, using modern technology to enhance interaction with teacher and among learners for learning purposes.
  8. Practice constructive assessment & feedback skills in classroom.
  9. Report critically on students’ progress.

Target Audience:

  • German language teachers at schools with -No or short (1-2 year)- teaching experience.


6 months (18.5 weeks/146 hrs)


German Language Proficiency: Level C1
University Degree, preferable language studies

Express Interest : 

For registration click here

You are kindly requested to send your CV and motivation letter to mentioning in the subject: Training of Teachers (TOT).


Professional Management Diploma for Educators 

Program Objectives:

By the end of this program applicants will be able to ..

  1. Gain knowledge about different performance assessment tools.
  2. Analyze the efficiency of a pedagogy designs.
  3. Practice efficient decision making techniques.
  4. Apply cross functions communication techniques.
  5. Master presentation delivery and communication tactics.
  6. Manage feedback skills and techniques.
  7. Create a positive school culture as an educational change agent.
  8. Implement and nurture school vision of learning within the school community.
  9. Design comprehensive and effective growth plans for school staff.
  10. Manage the school, operations & resources while promoting a safe, efficient & effective learning environment.
  11. Provide an effective instructional program and promote best practice to foster student learning environment.
  12. Respond to diverse community interests & needs within cultural, social, educational context.
  13. Identify quality standards in education institutes.
  14. Map health & safety standards in education institutes.
  15. Master technological solutions for better education management experience.

Target Audience:

  • Teachers who would like to pursue a career shift in administration.
  • School Administration staff who is looking to get insights in education management leadership.


60 hrs 

Express Interest : 

For registration click here

Professional Human Resources Diploma

Program Objective:

By the end of this Diploma, Attendees will have practiced and master different topics in the HR Science through delving into the different modules.

They will acquire knowledge and practices about:

  1. 360 degree Knowledge of the most important functions of HR in modern organizations.
  2. Executives leadership for the HR function.
  3. Legal aspects within HRM systems.
  4. Employee relations and business intersections within HR functions.
  5. Roles and responsibilities of successful HR representatives within the firm.
  6. HR Audit and rectification process.
  7. HR psychological factors that intercepts with business operations.

Module 1. Talent Management

  1. Identify what is the Talent Management?
  2. Master the planning and implementation of the Talent Management process.
  3. Implement the different Talent Management methodologies.
  4. Explain the Talent Management Gap.
  5. Gain various skills of Managing the Talent Management in organizations.
  6. Design the Talent Management Process.
  7. Map HR planning.
  8. Understand Recruitment and branding.
  9. Distinguish Retention and termination.
  10. Comprehend Career Development.

Module 2. Organizational Behavior

  1. Define the Organizational Behavior Mechanism, and how it affects the Organization’s performance?
  2. Master resolving the individual and organizational conflict.
  3. Implement the Personality Traits, and Motivation Theories.
  4. Explain how perception affects the decision making process.
  5. identify the relation between attitude and behavior.
  6. Practice stress Management.

Module 3. Performance Management

  1. Know the difference between Performance Management and Performance Appraisal.
  2. Master the know-how of building a Performance Management system that suits the Organization’ strategic goals.
  3. Implement the Job Analysis and Job Description.
  4. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of the different Performance Management techniques.
  5. Differentiate the intentional and unintentional types of errors that raters are likely to make in evaluating employee’s performance.
  6. Practice the relation between Performance Management and employee motivation.
  7. Design effective Performance Management System.

Module 4. Organizational Design & Restructure

  1. Align HR strategy with company’s strategy/ Strategic HRM.
  2. Lead the HR function & Advising executives on HR issues.
  3. Know why organizations need to Restructure & Master the Restructuring process.
  4. Acquire legal knowledge related to Employee Termination/ Dismissal
  5. Implement the four phases of work force reduction process
  6. Explain factors that influence the Restructuring process
  7. Gain knowledge about the Socially Sensitive Enterprise Structuring technique
  8. Practice HR Role in Organization Restructuring process
  9. Design the Termination/ Dismissal Compensation and End of Service Package.
  10. Write policies and procedures related to Restructuring

Module 5. Compensation & Benefits:

  1. Differentiate the different type of benefits, (Cash & Non-Cash, Direct & Indirect)
  2. Master designing the Pay Structure using different Pay techniques and system
  3. Acquire good level of knowledge about the Salary Surveys
  4. Implement the Organization Strategic Analysis
  5. Explain the difference between the Seniority and Merit Pay, Incentive
  6. Practice statistics knowledge
  7. Practice the relation between the Employee Competences and the Salary level
  8. Design Pay Structure and Grading System
  9. Write the Compensation and Benefits Policies and Procedures

Module 6. Organization Training and Development

  1. Map Change Management Strategies
  2. Master Training Management 
  3. Manage Integration and induction of calibers 

Module 7. HR Commandship:

1- Leadership

  1. Understand the different models and theories associated with leadership development.
  2. Assess leadership development approaches for the information professions.
  3. Demonstrate knowledge of development approaches for yourself and for others.
  4. What do followers expect from leaders?.
  5. Managing performance in the formal and informal organization.
  6. Ability to inspire and empower others as a leader.
  7. Change employees’ behavior and attitudes to enhance performance.
  8. Develop a basis of trust and confidence with employees.
  9. How to work more effectively with different personality types.

2- Resilience 

  1. Understand Meaning of resilience and its importance
  2. Clarifying the barriers of resilience
  3. Cultivate Resilience through positive psychology

    Module 8. HR Support

    1- Information Management

    1. HRIS and Enterprise Resource Planning
    2. Information Privacy and Security

    2- Egyptian Regulatory Requirements 

    1. Labor law
    2. Social insurance law
    3. Corporate Governance

    3- Evaluation of HR Service

    1. HR audits
    2. HR measures  

    4- Finance and Accounting for HR Professionals

    1. Cost management
    2. Developing and managing a budget

    5- Presentation Skills 

    1. Plan a presentation keeping the audience in mind
    2. Develop clear objectives for their presentation
    3. Use listening techniques effectively
    4. Develop effective visual aids for a presentation
    5. Use several different tools for presenting
    6. Use positive presentation style behaviors

    Target Audience:

    • HR Practitioners Who Have at least 3 years of experience in the field.
    • Human resources practitioners who would like to take leading positions in their organizations.
    • Those who would like to shift their Career to human resources field.


    152 Hour + 28 Hour project

    For registration click here

    Digital Marketing Professional Diploma

    Program Objective:

    By the end of this program applicants will be able to ..

    1. Introduction to Digital Marketing 

    • Comprehend the ecosystem of the internet from the perspective of digital marketing
    • Outline the new digital context with its technology, business impact, and trends as well as the opportunities and challenges
    • Analyze a customer’s digital structure
    • Recognize the digital mindset in terms of digital governance, ethics, security, and law
    2. Digital Marketing Strategy and Planning 
    • Set a digital marketing strategy
    • Integrate both marketing objectives and digital objectives
    • Build a frame work a winning digital marketing strategy
    • Set KPIs for different strategic objectives
    • Evaluate a digital marketing strategy
    3. Content Marketing
    • Identify and develop effective content needed to influence the customer across the buyer’s journey
    • Practice technical skills needed to create content that turns audiences into clients
    • Use measures of analytics dashboards to test the impact of content marketing across the digital channels 
    • Create a content calendar and develop a distribution approach for content
    • Build brand guidelines and consistency  
    4. Copywriting for Digital Marketing / creative writing 
    • The principles and structures of writing to sell
    • Brief writing and communication
    • Styles of writing for different ads
    • Practice Content writing for different platforms
    • Testing and evaluating ideas
    5. Digital Execution Tactics and Media Buying Methods 
    • Apply the full cycle of digital marketing: applications of SEO, SEM, social media advertising, e-Commerce, as well as special tactics such as remarketing and growth hacking
    • Drive and optimize qualified traffic to the website 
    • Segment subscribers and retain customers through email marketing
    • Use social media to increase brand equity, brand awareness, and audience engagement
    6. Digital Analytics 
    • Use simple digital toolbox to achieve business goals 
    • Track business performance using digital metrics 
    • Identify suitable data collection, data analysis techniques
      7. Final Project 
    • Apply the learning outcomes to build a final project that reflects the comprehensive outcome of the certificate. 

    Target Audience:

    • Digital marketing career seekers and professional


    70 hrs / 6 hrs/session 

    Express Interest : 

    For registration click here

    Startup Professional Diploma 

    Program Objective:

    By the end of this program applicants will be able to ..
    1. Enhance their understanding of entrepreneurship, innovation, and startup.
    2. Improve their entrepreneurial traits, skills, and attributes. 
    3. Generate business ideas and validate them.
    4. Design a business model to create value.
    5. Explore the entrepreneurship ecosystem key elements.  
    6. Prepare a lean business plan for their projects.
    7. Gain knowledge about how to avoid startup failure. 
    8. Build a proper prototype of their products.
    9. Pitch their ideas to different types of Audiences.
    10. Practice design thinking techniques and customer development skills.
    11. Write a lean business plan.

    Target Audience:

    Entrepreneurs/calibers who seek career shift/calibers who seek jobs in entrepreneurship field 


    70 hrs 
    Express Interest : 
    For registration click here


    Certified Professional Coach 

    Program Objective:

    By the end of this program applicants will be able to ..
    1. Understand the core principles and ethics of Life Coaching Profession.
    2. Identify strategies for building strong coach-client relationships. 
    3. Recognize what is and is NOT coaching
    4. Differentiate the different fields of psychotherapy and understand the difference between therapy and coaching.
    5. Develop a deep understanding of personal values, strengths, and areas for growth.
    6. Apply goal-setting techniques in a coaching context.
    7. comprehend basics of active listening and effective communication 
    8. Identify common obstacles and challenges in coaching relationships.
    9. Know how to assist clients in creating actionable plans for goal achievement. 
    10. Learn various approaches to foster client accountability and responsibility.
    11. Establish clear boundaries with clients and manage potential conflicts of interest Comprehend emotional intelligence to effectively recognize and respond to clients' emotions.
    12. Establish a business mindset and entrepreneurial skills for a successful coaching practice.
    13. Master advanced coaching techniques, such as visualization, reframing & powerful questioning.

    Target Audience:

    1. Individuals who have a genuine interest in helping others, possess good communication skills, and want to pursue a career as a professional life coach.
    2. People looking to transition into a new career, especially those with a background in counseling, psychology, human resources, or related fields 
    3. Individuals working in health and wellness fields, such as fitness trainers, nutritionists, or therapists, who wish to expand their skills and offer life coaching services.
    4. Teachers, school counselors, or educational professionals seeking additional tools and techniques to support students or colleagues in personal and professional development.
    5. Individuals who want to qualified  to the coching field, either as a primary career or as a supplementary service within their existing entrepreneurial ventures.
    6. Human resources professionals interested in incorporating coaching skills to enhance employee development and workplace performance.
    7. Mental health professionals looking to integrate coaching techniques into their practice or expand their services to a broader audience.
    8. Executives, managers, or team leaders interested in acquiring coaching skills to enhance their leadership capabilities and support the growth and development of their teams.


    72 hours in class + Project (Group projects and demo sessions with detailed feedback)
    Express Interest : 
    For registration click here


    Feasibility Study for Entrepreneurs 

    Program Objective:

    By the end of this course, the trainee will be able to:
    1. Identify the 4 types of feasibility study
    2. Explore phases of Feasibility Studies
    3. Master market research for Feasibility Studies
    4. Identify potential challenges that may arise during project implementation.
    5. Develop strategies to overcome forecast challenges.
    6. Determine Financial Viability.
    7. Assess study results, outcomes and determine their validity.
    8. Prepare financial feasibility study on a practical basis.
    9. Determine the impact of change of study elements on the final results.
    10. Present ideas in an effective and organized presentation.
    11. Explore real life Feasibility Study Cases.

    Target Audience:

    Entry level/ Seniors and mid-managers.


    60 Hrs


    Express Interest : 

    For registration click here

    Project Management Professional Diploma 

    Program Objective:

    By the end of this course, the trainee will be able to:
    1. Define the core project management concepts.
    2. Describe the relationship between projects and organizations.
    3. Practice different role for the project manager.
    4. Acquire some fundamental skill for project manager position
    5. Develop project WBS, schedule (time), and cost.
    6. Design procurement and resource management
    7. Plan quality and manage risk.
    8. Manage and control project schedule and cost.

    Target Audience:

    The diploma designed for those who are working in project management filed; new project managers who look for comprehensive knowledge and hands-on practices of the project management framework based on the PMI standards, as well as, for experienced project managers without previous formal project management training. The course is non-sector specific and the content applies to all industries Upon completion of the workshop, participants will be able to understand and apply project management techniques to their current and future projects. They should also be able to effectively manage small to medium sized projects and achieve immediate improvements on project performance.


    60 Hrs


    Express Interest : 

    For registration click here

    BIM Professional Diploma  

    Program Objective:

    By the end of this program applicants will be able to ..

    1. Apply ISO 19650 BIM standards and related documents in the BIM projects.
    2. Using the main concepts of multi-disciplinary collaboration and the openBIM process across BIM projects.
    3. Apply the coordination and clash detection methods.
    4. Create and develop the BIM manual and related templates.
    5. Defining the roles and functions of each party in the project, BIM manager/coordinator/modeler.
    6. Applying the BIM process to the entire lifecycle of an asset, from conceptualization to the operation and maintenance phase.

    Target Audience:

    • This program is recommended for professionals, BIM Managers/coordinators, with a technical interest in successful and complete BIM implementation and execution of standardized BIM-based workflows in an architectural, engineering and construction practice.


    120 Hrs


    Express Interest : 

    For registration click here




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