
Dear Applicant

* In case if you have no previous knowledge of German Language, kindly apply to A1.

* If you took any German course before, kindly apply either to A1 or A2 and the placement will reflect your proficiency level

German Language Courses for Adults 

The GUC German Center offers a broad spectrum of language courses for adult learners. Our course levels follow the guidelines of the European Framework of Reference for Languages (A1-C1). One of our basic principles is to ensure a maximum of spoken communication.

To view the description of course levels kindly click here (pdf)

GERMAN Language Course A1 

Program Overview:

GUC, Center of Continuing Education offers a wide spectrum of German language programs for adult learners, teachers, and young learners. Our courses follow the guidelines of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (A1-C1).

GUCCE aims to provide the learners with the necessary German Language skills that serves their linguistic and communication needs in different fields such as business, tourism, hotel management, Education, and for study and research purposes in Germany.

By communicating the necessary language skills, Cultural awareness, and intercultural competences our learners are enabled to act efficiently in daily activities, Post graduate & undergraduate studies, business and science as well as in everyday situations in the target language.

One of our basic principles is to ensure the maximum of integrated communication.

Program Goals:

This basic German language course is designed for beginners to a fundamental knowledge of speaking, pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, and some culture awareness. Students will develop basic communication skills in German, which are reflected in everyday situations such as exchanging personal information about oneself, family, and friends. It should further provide the learners with sufficient proficiency for basic oral and written communication, and enable them to acquire strategies and techniques to make use of a variety of language resources

Program Objective:

The general goals of this course is to:

  • Enable the learners to understand and use familiar everyday expressions and very basic phrases aimed at the satisfaction of needs of a concrete type.
  • Enable the learner to introduce himself/ herself and others and can ask and answer questions about personal details such as where he/she lives, people he/she knows and things he/she has.
  • Enable the learner to interact in a simple way provided the other person talks slowly and clearly and is prepared to help.
  • Enable the learner to interact in a simple way provided the other person talks slowly and clearly and is prepared to help.
  • Enable the learner to understand sentences and frequently used expressions related to areas of most immediate relevance (e.g. very basic personal and family information, shopping, local geography, employment).
  • Enable the learner to Communicate in simple and routine tasks requiring a simple and direct exchange of information on familiar and routine matters.
  • Enable the learner to Describe in simple terms aspects of his/her background, immediate environment and matters in areas of immediate need.

Program Outcome:

Reading Skills:

  • apply international words to understand a text.
  • collect information from a biography, menu and price list.
  • identify office/working hours on signs.
  • follow direction signs in a building.
  • understand holiday texts.
  • collect information from a diary.
  • acquire information from a graph.

Speaking and Listening Skills:

  • pronounce the German alphabet.
  • spell words.
  • introduce himself and others (name, country, age, studies, foreign languages, daily routine).
  • get to know someone.
  • greet persons.
  • communicate in German with the teacher in the classroom.
  • use numbers as age, prices, telephone numbers.
  • order something in a café/restaurant and express preferences.
  • pay the bill in a café/restaurant.
  • describe his living situation and his house/apartment.
  • give his opinion about a house/room.
  • describe his personal belongings.
  • tell the time (formal, informal).
  • arrange and cancel appointments and outings.
  • arrange to go out with friends.
  • apologize for being late (punctuality).
  • describe his/her daily routine.
  • say where people live, work, how they go to work and how long the way takes.
  • ask about and describe the way in a building.
  • describe his/her office/work place.
  • enquire about people's profession.
  • tell his/ her dream job.
  • talk about sightseeing in Berlin.
  • ask about and describe the way in a city.
  • tell where and how people spend their vacation and the activities done during the vacation.
  • shop in a supermarket or fresh food market.
  • enquire about the price.
  • express one’s preferences (e.g. food and beverages).
  • describe person’s outfit.
  • make shopping dialogues (clothes).
  • talk about the body parts.
  • conduct a conversation with a doctor.
  • give people advice (concerning health and fitness).

Writing Skills:

  • write a short biographical text about himself (name, address, age, nationality, foreign languages, studies and hobbies).
  • write his/ her daily routine.
  • write a diary.
  • write a postcard/e-mail.
  • give advice and instructions.

Target audience:

  • The course is designed for adult beginners (at least in university stage).


3 days/ 150 hrs – (4hrs * 3 times = 12 hrs a week)

“By communicating the necessary language skills, Cultural awareness, and intercultural competences our learners are enabled to act efficiently in daily activities, Post graduate & undergraduate studies, business and science as well as in everyday situations in the target language.”

For registration click here

GERMAN Language Course A2 

Program Overview:

GUC, Center of Continuing Education offers a wide spectrum of German language programs for adult learners, teachers, and young learners. Our courses follow the guidelines of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (A1-C1).

GUCCE aims to provide the learners with the necessary German Language skills that serves their linguistic and communication needs in different fields such as business, tourism, hotel management, Education, and for study and research purposes in Germany.

By communicating the necessary language skills, Cultural awareness, and intercultural competences our learners are enabled to act efficiently in daily activities, Post graduate & undergraduate studies, business and science as well as in everyday situations in the target language.

One of our basic principles is to ensure the maximum of integrated communication.

Program Goals:

This basic German language course is designed for beginners to a fundamental knowledge of speaking, pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, and some culture awareness. Students will develop basic communication skills in German, which are reflected in everyday situations such as exchanging personal information about oneself, family, and friends. It should further provide the learners with sufficient proficiency for basic oral and written communication, and enable them to acquire strategies and techniques to make use of a variety of language resources.

Program Objective:

The general goals of this course is to:

  • Enable the learners to understand and use familiar everyday expressions and very basic phrases aimed at the satisfaction of needs of a concrete type.
  • Enable the learner to introduce himself/ herself and others and can ask and answer questions about personal details such as where he/she lives, people he/she knows and things he/she has.
  • Enable the learner to interact in a simple way provided the other person talks slowly and clearly and is prepared to help.
  • Enable the learner to interact in a simple way provided the other person talks slowly and clearly and is prepared to help.
  • Enable the learner to understand sentences and frequently used expressions related to areas of most immediate relevance (e.g. very basic personal and family information, shopping, local geography, employment).
  • Enable the learner to Communicate in simple and routine tasks requiring a simple and direct exchange of information on familiar and routine matters.
  • Enable the learner to Describe in simple terms aspects of his/her background, immediate environment and matters in areas of immediate need.

Program Outcome:

Reading Skills:

  • collect travel information from schedules, tickets, announcement boards and from the internet.
  • evaluate a graph.
  • understand a menu in restaurants.
  • understand and evaluate announcements/ ads in newspapers/ internet (apartments/ contacts/ jobs).
  • collect information from a CV.
  • structure a reading passage.
  • apply reading strategies at an informative text.
  • understand and evaluate announcements/ads in newspapers/internet (apartments/contacts/jobs).
  • Collect information from a CV.
  • Structure a reading passage.
  • apply reading strategies on an informative text.

Speaking and Listening Skills:

  • talk about language learning, migration and one‘s biography.
  • tell reasons for language learning.
  • make comparisons.
  • describe his/her family and its members.
  • congratulate people on different occasions.
  • invite people and react on invitations.
  • talk about gifts.
  • express one’s opinion.
  • speak about a trip and plan it.
  • speak about his/her hobby, and fields of interest.
  • speak about his/her free time and about which activity he/she likes to do or does not like to do.
  • speak about media.
  • complain officially about a product.
  • make suggestions on how to spend his/her free time.
  • order something in a restaurant.
  • get to know other people.
  • state the differences, the pros and cons about living in a city and living in the countryside.
  • enquire about apartments.
  • describe his/her dream job.
  • speak about his/her career path.
  • respond to job ads.
  • make business calls.
  • make a polite request.
  • talk about feasts and traditions and gifts.
  • talk about conditions and consequences.
  • express feelings and emotions.
  • talk about a movie.
  • state the purpose of using certain products.
  • describe processes.

Writing Skills:

  • write a text about his/her learning experience and style regarding language (learning biography).
  • write a text describing one’s family and what they mean to him/her.
  • write an invitation and react to invitations.
  • write a text about his/her previous trips, about his/her travel plans and travel habits.
  • write a text about spending his/her free time and hobbies.
  • write a text message or a short WhatsApp message.
  • write a short biography including his/her career path.
  • write their CV in German.
  • write about feasts and celebrations.

Target audience:

  • The course is designed for adult beginners (at least in university stage).


3 days/ 150 hrs – (4hrs * 3 times = 12 hrs a week)

“By communicating the necessary language skills, Cultural awareness, and intercultural competences our learners are enabled to act efficiently in daily activities, Post graduate & undergraduate studies, business and science as well as in everyday situations in the target language.”

For registration click here

GERMAN Language Course A2.2 

Program Overview:

GUC, Center of Continuing Education offers a wide spectrum of German language programs for adult learners, teachers, and young learners. Our courses follow the guidelines of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (A1-C1).

GUCCE aims to provide the learners with the necessary German Language skills that serves their linguistic and communication needs in different fields such as business, tourism, hotel management, Education, and for study and research purposes in Germany.

By communicating the necessary language skills, Cultural awareness, and intercultural competences our learners are enabled to act efficiently in daily activities, Post graduate & undergraduate studies, business and science as well as in everyday situations in the target language.

One of our basic principles is to ensure the maximum of integrated communication.

Program Goals:

This basic German language course is designed for beginners to a fundamental knowledge of speaking, pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, and some culture awareness. Students will develop basic communication skills in German, which are reflected in everyday situations such as exchanging personal information about oneself, family, and friends. It should further provide the learners with sufficient proficiency for basic oral and written communication, and enable them to acquire strategies and techniques to make use of a variety of language resources.

Program Objective:

The general goals of this course is to:

  • Enable the learners to understand and use familiar everyday expressions and very basic phrases aimed at the satisfaction of needs of a concrete type.
  • Enable the learner to introduce himself/ herself and others and can ask and answer questions about personal details such as where he/she lives, people he/she knows and things he/she has.
  • Enable the learner to interact in a simple way provided the other person talks slowly and clearly and is prepared to help.
  • Enable the learner to interact in a simple way provided the other person talks slowly and clearly and is prepared to help.
  • Enable the learner to understand sentences and frequently used expressions related to areas of most immediate relevance (e.g. very basic personal and family information, shopping, local geography, employment).
  • Enable the learner to Communicate in simple and routine tasks requiring a simple and direct exchange of information on familiar and routine matters.
  • Enable the learner to Describe in simple terms aspects of his/her background, immediate environment and matters in areas of immediate need.

Program Outcome:

Reading Skills:

  • understand and evaluate announcements/ ads in newspapers/ internet (apartments/ contacts/ jobs).
  • collect information from a CV.
  • structure a reading passage.
  • apply reading strategies at an informative text.

Speaking and Listening Skills:

  • state the differences, the pros and cons about living in a city and living in the countryside.
  • enquire about apartments.
  • describe his/her dream job.
  • speak about his/her career path.
  • respond to job ads.
  • make business calls.
  • make a polite request.
  • talk about feasts and traditions and gifts.
  • talk about conditions and consequences.
  • express feelings and emotions.
  • talk about a movie.
  • state the purpose of using certain products.
  • describe processes.

Writing Skills:

  • write a short biography including his/her career path.
  • write their CV in German.
  • write about feasts and celebrations.

Target audience:

  • The course is designed for adult beginners (at least in university stage).


2 days/ 75 hrs – (4hrs * 2 times = 8 hrs a week)

“By communicating the necessary language skills, Cultural awareness, and intercultural competences our learners are enabled to act efficiently in daily activities, Post graduate & undergraduate studies, business and science as well as in everyday situations in the target language.”

For registration click here

GERMAN Language Course B1 

Program Overview:

GUC, Center of Continuing Education offers a wide spectrum of German language programs for adult learners, teachers, and young learners. Our courses follow the guidelines of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (A1-C1).

GUCCE aims to provide the learners with the necessary German Language skills that serves their linguistic and communication needs in different fields such as business, tourism, hotel management, Education, and for study and research purposes in Germany.

By communicating the necessary language skills, Cultural awareness, and intercultural competences our learners are enabled to act efficiently in daily activities, Post graduate & undergraduate studies, business and science as well as in everyday situations in the target language.

One of our basic principles is to ensure the maximum of integrated communication.

Program Goals:

This is an intermediate German language course designed for learners with basic knowledge to provide them with a fundamental knowledge of pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary. Students will develop intermediate communication skills in German and in everyday situations such as handling most situations encountered while traveling in the language area. Can participate without preparation in conversations about topics that are familiar to him, that interest him personally or that relate to everyday issues such as family, hobbies, work, travel, current events. Can start, stop, and end a simple direct conversation on familiar or personally interesting topics. Can repeat parts of what someone has said to ensure mutual understanding.

Program Objective:

The general goals of this course is to:

  • Understand the main points of clear standard input on familiar matters regularly encountered in work, school, leisure, etc.
  • Deal with most situations likely to arise while travelling in an area where the language is spoken.
  • Produce simple connected text on topics that are familiar or of personal interest.
  • Describe experiences and events, dreams, hopes and ambitions and briefly give reasons and explanations for opinions and plans.
  • Understand the main ideas of complex text on both concrete and abstract topics, including technical discussions in his/her field of specialization.
  • Interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that makes regular interaction with native speakers quite possible without strain for either party.
  • Produce clear, detailed text on a wide range of subjects and explain a viewpoint on a topical issue giving the advantages and disadvantages of various options.

Program Outcome:

Reading Skills:

  • collect information from travel guides.
  • acquire information from newspapers and Online articles, Press release.
  • read poems, novel abstracts.
  • acquire information from graphs and statistics.
  • collect information from flyers, posters, brochures.
  • read maps.
  • acquire information from websites and blogs.
  • understand long texts about different topics.
  • acquire information from newspapers and Online articles, Press release.
  • acquire information from recipes and statistics.
  • understand novels and novel parts.
  • understand readers’ comments in newspapers.
  • acquire information from blogs.

Speaking and Listening Skills:

  • Pronounce the German alphabet.
  • Spell words.
  • Introduce himself and others (name, country, age, studies, foreign languages, daily routine).
  • Get to know someone.
  • Greet persons.
  • Communicate in German with the teacher in the classroom.
  • Use numbers as age, prices, telephone numbers.
  • Order something in a café/restaurant and express preferences.
  • Pay the bill in a café/restaurant.
  • Describe his living situation and his house/apartment.
  • Give his opinion about a house/room.
  • Describe his personal belongings.
  • Tell the time (formal, informal).
  • Arrange and cancel appointments and outings.
  • Arrange to go out with friends.
  • Apologize for being late (punctuality).
  • Describe his/her daily routine.
  • Say where people live, work, how they go to work and how long the way takes.
  • Ask about and describe the way in a building.
  • Describe his/her office/work place.
  • Enquire about people's profession.
  • Tell his/ her dream job.
  • Talk about sightseeing in Berlin.
  • Ask about and describe the way in a city.
  • Tell where and how people spend their vacation and the activities done during the vacation.
  • Shop in a supermarket or fresh food market.
  • Enquire about the price.
  • Express one’s preferences (e.g. food and beverages).
  • Describe person’s outfit.
  • Make shopping dialogues (clothes).
  • Talk about the body parts.
  • Conduct a conversation with a doctor.
  • Give people advice (concerning health and fitness).
  • Talk about weather and climate.
  • Describe environmental problems.
  • Talk about the future.
  • Make statements and assumptions.
  • Talk about behavioral rules.
  • Apologize for mishaps.
  • Comment a situation.
  • Report about the past.
  • Inform about literature.
  • Discuss problems.
  • Talk about wishes, fears and dreams.
  • Describe movies.
  • Make an interview, radio interview.
  • Talk about reasons of migration.
  • Talk about strangeness.
  • Talk about politics in Europe.
  • Talk about advantages and disadvantages.
  • Demand and comment

Writing Skills:

  • Write a short biographical text about himself (name, address, age, nationality, foreign languages, studies and hobbies).
  • Write his/ her daily routine.
  • Write a diary.
  • Write a postcard/e-mail.
  • Give advice and instructions.
  • Write about the past.
  • Write the end of a story.
  • Write about his/ her dreams as a child.

Target audience:

  • The course is designed for adult beginners (at least in university stage).


3 days/ 150 hrs – (4hrs * 3 times = 12 hrs a week)

“By communicating the necessary language skills, Cultural awareness, and intercultural competences our learners are enabled to act efficiently in daily activities, Post graduate & undergraduate studies, business and science as well as in everyday situations in the target language.”

For registration click here


German Language Courses for Youngsters (14-18 years)

GUC offers a wide range of language courses tailored to young people’s needs and interests. These courses are supplemented by interesting activities to enrich the students’ learning experience. The courses follow the guidelines of the European Framework of Reference for Languages (A1-B2) Leraners are encouraged to practice their spoken German with the teacher and with their classmates. The courses focus on collaborative learning and on enhancing the leraners'  self-study skills.

To view the description of course levels kindly click here (pdf)

Business German

For international business executives and employees as well as management students who wish to enhance their business related communication skills in German Language.

The class is taught at an intermediate level. Therefore participants should have a level of intermediate German language proficiency (B1).

Business German I

Business German I is a basic course designed for high intermediate students of German as foreign language who wish to improve their business communication skills, written and spoken. Business German I and II are intended to give students a solid foundation and a working knowledge of business German. 

Various aspects of business German will be covered, including the following:

  • Applying for a job
  • CV writing
  • Effective Interview skills
  • Business Correspondence

Business German II

Effective Business Communication in Business German II course focuses on enabling the students to communicate confidently in a range of business situations through improving their speaking, listening, reading and writing skills and learning useful business vocabulary and business expressions. Advanced aspects of business German will be covered, including the following:

  1. Integrated Business Communication Skills In German 
  2. Reporting techniques
  3. Delivering effective presentations
  4. Negotiations and Discussion skills in business meetings




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