The Adaptability of PhotoVoltaic-Thermal Collectors to Increase the Share of REnewable Energy Production for Heating-, Cooling-, and Electric-Energy in Systems of Buildings.
German African Innovation Incentive Award GAIIA 2017: German Research Minister Mrs. Anja Karliczek and Egyptian Ambassador Mr. Badr Abdelatty in Awarding Ceremony in Berlin in May 2018. https://www.bmbf.de/de/deutsch-afrikanischer-innovationsfoerderpreis-2018-verliehen-6133.html
PVT-RESyst is one of four awarded research projects for the German African Innovation Incentive Award (GAIIA) 2017 funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the German Aerospace Center (DLR).
The PVT-RESyst project aims to develop and demonstrate a system based on novel PVT technology capable of reducing significantly the primary energy consumption of the Egyptian residential sector. This system is laid out to be able to provide heating, cooling, domestic hot water (DHW) and electricity for new Egyptian buildings.
The development of a system which is affordable and adapted to Egyptian climate conditions intends to trigger proactive small and medium enterprise (SME) activities and allow a successful transfer of this technology to the Egyptian market contributing to the creation of a sustainable local innovation environment.
About PVT-RESyst
The previous „Night-Cool“ collaboration project, where the effectivity of nocturnal radiative cooling was investigated showed that uncovered polymer solar absorbers can be used for direct cooling to improve the thermal comfort in Egyptian buildings and to decrease the electricity consumption of conventional air-conditioning units. According to the simulation analysis, such systems can reduce the energy demand for cooling by up to 14%.
The PVT-RESyst research project substitutes the polymer absorbers with hybrid uncovered photovoltaic-thermal (PVT) collectors and aims to further increase the share of renewable energy for the building’s primary energy consumption. At present, the Egyptian building sector is relying essentially on split systems for heating and cooling purposes. Hydronic systems are not common yet and will be investigated jointly with local companies. One of the objectives of the project is the development of PVT collector prototypes with locally available components. Such hybrid collectors are not yet available in Egypt.
The project intends to strengthen the cooperation between academics and local companies by developing adapted business models that will support the creation of a lasting entity to exploit the project’s results. Sharing this new technology and creating a guideline for installers and planners will be one of the outputs of this project.
German African Innovation Incentive Award (GAIIA) 2017
DLR BMBF (Germany)
Start of Project: June 2018
End of Project: May 2020
Research Partners
German University in Cairo GUC
Dr. Tarek Khalil (PI Egypt)
Assoc. Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Thomas Loeffler (Co-PI Egypt)
University of Applied Sciences Stuttgart
Institute of Applied Research
Prof. Dr. habil. Ursula Eicker (PI Germany)
PVT-RESyst Research Team
Dr. Tarek Khalil (PI Egypt)
Engineering and Materials Science/Physics Department
0020-2758 99 90-128 | ext. –3652
Assoc. Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Thomas Loeffler (Co-PI Egypt)
Building Technology and Architectural Design
Architecture and Urban Design Program
0020-2758 99 90-128 | ext. –3550
BSc. Arch. Yasmin Mardini (Research Assistant)
Building Technology and Architectural Design
Architecture and Urban Design Program
PhD. Eng. Muhammed Zidan (Research Assistant)
Engineering and Materials Science/Mechanical Engineering
MSc. Arch. Mina Ishac (Research Assistant)
Building Technology and Architectural Design
Architecture and Urban Design Program
MSc. Arch. Mostafa Atwa (Research Assistant)
Building Technology and Architectural Design
Architecture and Urban Design Program
MSc. Eng. Mohamed Zamzam (Research Assistant)
Engineering and Materials Science/Mechatronics Engineering
Prof. Dr. habil. Ursula Eicker (PI Germany)
Research Centre Sustainable Energy Technologies
Hochschule für Technik Stuttgart
+49 (0)711/ 8926-2831
MSc. Eng. Nermeen Abdelnour (Research Assistant)
Research Centre Sustainable Energy Technologies
Hochschule für Technik Stuttgart