Associate Prof. Dr. Sameh Kantoush; German University in Cairo
Sameh Ahmed Kantoush: completed his undergraduate studies at Alexandria University in the Civil Engineering Dept., Egypt, in 1997. After graduation, he worked in academic (Alexandria University and Arab Academy) and practical fields (Consulting Engineering Office and construction companies) for three years. From 2001 to 2003, he attended Saga University, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Japan, and graduated with his Master thesis in water management and flood control. After joining the Laboratoire de Constructions Hydrauliques (LCH) at the Swiss Federal Institute, Switzerland, from 2003 to 2008, as a PhD student and research associate, he obtained Doctorate on the topic of reservoir sedimentation. He has been awarded a Swiss National Fund for Scientific Research (SNSF) awarded for a post doctoral research at Water Resources Research Centre, Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University, Japan, in 2009. Professor Kantoush is currently working at the German University in Cairo, Civil Engineering Program. He is associate Professor of water major at GUC. He supervised over 10 M.Sc. theses and 7 Ph.D. dissertations. 20 refereed journal papers and 40 peer-reviewed and refereed conference, seminar, posters as well as invitations to serve on the international advisory committees of several international conferences. I have extensive experience with experimental and numerical research including hydraulic engineering, hydropower, reservoir sediment management, river training, and reservoir sedimentation. Prof. Kantoush has published morethan 20 refereed journal papers and 75 peer-reviewed and refereed conference, seminar, posters as well as invitations to serve on the international advisory committees of several international conferences. He has extensive experience with experimental and numerical research including hydraulic engineering, hydropower, reservoir sediment management, river training, and reservoir sedimentation. He has also constructed several experimental instrumentation systems for surface velocity (LSPIV), evolution of bed deposition, and turbidity current. Prof. Kantoush research interests include field measurements for impacts of dam on environment and develop new monitoring instruments.