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GUC Celebrates Excellence with Annual Scholarship Awards Ceremony

In Academic
Monday, May 20, 2024

The German University in Cairo (GUC) hosted its annual ceremony, celebrating the exceptional achievements of its top students. This year, 41 excellence scholarships were awarded, enabling students from various academic years and colleges to travel abroad for academic courses, faculties, language, workshops, or practical training in Germany. Each scholarship, valued at 1,750 euros, represents a significant investment in the student development.


The excellence scholarships, covering travel costs and providing opportunities for international experience, reflect GUC's commitment to combining life experiences with academic achievement. The university firmly believes that exposure to different cultures and educational environments enhances student skills and supports overall excellence.


These scholarships are part of a broader initiative comprising 11 scholarship programs, including awards for top secondary school students, equivalent certificates, Nile Basin scholarships, and governorate top scholarships. Despite economic challenges, both domestically and globally, GUC remains steadfast in its mission to support and recognize the accomplishments of its students. The university aims to maintain its reputation as a community of geniuses and pioneers, representing Egypt on the world stage.


GUC opens its doors to every diligent student seeking success, providing comprehensive facilities for learning and development both within Egypt and internationally. This ongoing effort ensures the preparation of highly qualified Egyptian graduates capable of competing in the global labor market, advancing technology, and contributing to the nation’s sustainable development goals.


Behind every outstanding student is a story of dedication and support from parents, professors, administrators, and staff, both in Egypt and Germany. These individuals play a crucial role in GUC’s unique educational system, fostering an environment where students can thrive.



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