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The World Bank and the International Organization for Migration Participate with Students of the German University in Cairo in Celebrating World Water Day 2023

In Academic
Wednesday, March 22, 2023

In in celebration of the World Water Day on 22 March 2023, the German Embassy in Cairo has launched a competition titled: “Accelerating Change to Solve the Water and Sanitation Crisis.” The German University in Cairo students actively participated in this competition as the university community is much aware of water issues and the importance of preserving Egypt’s and the world resources.

Prof. Dr. Moustafa Baraka, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Materials Sciences and Director of the Civil Engineering Program at the University, stressed the importance of behavioral change campaigns in society to preserve every drop of water in light of the current regional conditions, which threaten development efforts. Dr. Sherine El-Baradei, Assistant Professor in the Civil Engineering Program, supervised the competition and developed its axes in addition to participating with faculty members by presenting a number of opinions related to the water shortage crisis and evaluating the solutions proposed by students to address the exacerbation of the phenomenon of climate change and its impact on water resources and water scarcity.


Prof. Dr. Baraka referred to the participation of more than 90 students from the Civil Engineering program, who were divided into 7 teams, where each research team presented its implemented project in the form of a poster that was designed with an explanatory explanation of the project commensurate with the main topic raised by the United Nations as its logo this year. Revolves around the seriousness of the water scarcity crisis and work to solve it, noting that this celebration comes within the framework of the university's keenness to participate with its youth in facing environmental challenges and finding innovative proactive solutions that contribute to achieving sustainable development goals, including Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 6, which are related to ensuring the availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all by 2030.

Prof. Dr. Maged Hamed, one of the most important experts of the World Bank in the Middle East in the field of environment participated in the celebration via Webex technology, where he provided a full explanation of the problems of water scarcity and cleanliness from a scientific point of view and the World Bank projects in the field of environment and water. Additionally, Ms. Maria Nikolowska participated she represented the International Organization for Migration. United Nations agency that provides services and advice to migrants and internally displaced persons as a result of natural disasters.


In her speech, Maria addressed the role of water and its impact on migrants and displaced persons in the context of public health. The conclusion of the activities of the celebration witnessed the distribution of certificates to the students to praise their efforts and constructive ideas.



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