Embark on a transformative journey at our groundbreaking conference, uniting Germany, Italy, and Egypt in the realm of neuromuscular disorders. Discover cutting-edge insights into the genetics, epigenetics, and personalized genetic therapies that are revolutionizing treatment. Witness the unveiling of outcomes from pioneering clinical trials in Egypt and Germany.
Together, we aim to establish a network of specialized centers across Egypt and create a population-based registry for these devastating diseases. Join us in shaping the future of neuromuscular research. Reserve your spot now and be a catalyst for transformation!
Free registration goes through this link: https://forms.gle/kf2Rwk7UgUKneBUb6
Your successful registration is the confirmation for your attendance as long as the link is active.
(No confirmation emails will be sent).
Click here to view program: https://rb.gy/3c1ags