Thursday, June 27, Dr. Ashraf Mansour, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the German University in Cairo, and Uwe Wieckenberg, Programs Director at the Elsewedy Academy for Technical Education attended the Honoring Ceremony of the second training program for teachers of the Elsewedy Technical Academy held at the German University in Cairo.
The course lasted for 10 consecutive days with 80 training hours during which the university provided full financial support to the trainees.
The training aimed at raising teacher’s efficiency and their ability to prepare scientific and applied curriculums that put students at the center of the educational process and allow them to actively participate in it.
Dr. Ashraf Mansour expressed his happiness with the cooperation between the two sides, stressing that this initiative represents a collaborative model between universities and industry.
He urged everyone to move forward toward sustainable development, through the provision of distinguished educational and technological advancement to all outstanding students in Egypt, such as the industrial complex built inside GUC.
He declared that the university applies the German educational and training system, as a model that goes in line with the state policy for capacity building, and the enhancement of living and productivity standards.
Dr. Mona Othman, Director of the Teacher Training Program, announced that this training coincides with the university philosophy of being a HUB for practical trainings and applied research, applying the latest teaching and research methodologies
It is worth noting that the German University in Cairo has started the first training program for teachers of the Elsewedy Academy in 2017.