Course Catalog

Coastal and Harbor Engineering - Offered to 9th semester Water Resources Major (CIW 901)

Course Prerequisites


This Course is offered to 9th semester Water Resources Major
The course is designed to introduce the analysis, application, and design used in the field of coastal engineering. We will cover several topics including coastal water level fluctuations, water waves, coastal processes, coastal structures, and coastal development/management. In this class we will learn physical processes that are important for coastal environment and apply engineering principles to solve the coastal engineering issues such as coastal flooding, shoreline erosion, navigation sedimentation, water quality pollution, and coastal habitat evanescence. This course is useful for the design of coastal structures specially breakwaters and/or the supervision of coastal structure projects. Knowledge about the coastal processes such as wind, waves, tides and tidal currents is necessary. In this course, the main focus is on the difference between alternative types of breakwaters and governing factors for their selection, the engineering design of breakwaters from conceptual to detailed and the preparation of layouts and detailed cross-sections. Also the application of the submerged breakwater and the effect of construction of breakwaters on the adjacent coastline will be discussed. In order to achieve these goals, this course contains a real based exercise and participants will be asked to design the breakwaters of a port and defend their design in front of a group of experts.


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