Course Catalog

Structural Analysis III (CIS 502)

Course Prerequisites


Based on the knowledge acquired by the students during the previous course Structural Analysis I, this course provides some extended topics related to elastic deformations of statically determinate framed structures. Knowledge of the structural analysis concepts presented in course Structural Analysis II will be of benefit. Some work theorems and the principle of virtual work are introduced, and different methods for the evaluation of elastic deformations are explained and applied on different types of statically determinate structures. Furthermore, this course provides the methods of analysis of statically indeterminate framed structures. A comprehensive study and application of the virtual work and the slope-deflection are covered, and an introduction to the moment distribution method for beams is presented. At the end of this course, the student should have a deep understanding of the analysis of statically indeterminate structures. The student should be able to evaluate all kinds of internal forces in these structural forms under various types of loading or other external actions.


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