The course serves as an advanced course for electronics students in analog integrated circuits design. The course will focus on basic analog building blocks for analog signal processing in BJT and MOS technology both in continuous time and discrete time applications. The course include analog multipliers, linear and nonlinear applications of the op-amp, Wave function generators, Monostable circuits, op-amp nonidealities, Nonlinearity cancellation of the MOS transistors, MOS-C Continuous time filters, Switched-C Circuits, and High frequency analog blocks ( ex: Current Conveyors and current feedback amplifiers). This course run together with the part of Microelectronics LAB [ELCT 706] related to the CAD tools for analog IC simulation and layout design (PSpice Simulation and L-Edit layout tool). The content of the course is:
- Introduction to Analog VLSI circuits
- BJT and MOS analog Multipliers
- Linear- nonlinear applications of the op-amp
- Wave function generators
- Op-amp Non-idealities
- Nonlinearity cancellation of the MOS transistor and MOS-C continuous time Filters
- Switched-C circuits
- High frequency analog blocks ( Current Conveyors and current feedback Amplifiers)