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The HeliMag System and the Internet-of-things project “GUC Smart Campus” of GUC

In GUC News
Thursday, April 28, 2016

GUC Booth Attracts Visitors # Hannover_Messe

The HeliMag System and the Internet-of-things project “GUC Smart Campus” of the German University in Cairo are being presented in Hall 2, Booth A18 at Hannover Exhibition between 24-30 April 2016. The German University in Cairo is part of the Baden-Württemberg delegation which includes sister universities of Ulm and Stuttgart.


A group of Engineers from the faculty of Media Engineering and Technology Engineering and Material Sciences and Information Engineering and Technology lead by Prof. Slim Abdennadher, in close collaboration with researchers from the Faculty of Pharmacy are presenting cutting edge technology that has been developed within the German university in Cairo. This technology was presented through 2 projects namely the HeliMag and the Smart Campus.


The HeliMag presented by the MNR Lab (Medical Micro and Nano Robotics Lab) enables robotic systems to navigate within our bodies to achieve targeted therapy and diverse biomedical applications.


The Smart GUC Campus is a research project that provides academics and students with smart solutions for numerous services on campus.


Hannover Exhibition is the largest industrial exhibition in the world with approximately 5000 exhibitors. Barack Obama has joined Angela Merkel in opening Hannover Messe 2016. This year, the United States is Partner Country at the world’s most important trade fair for industrial technology.


The booth of the German University in Cairo has attracted visitors from diverse fields, different industries, and Universities. While Prof. Abdelnader is conducting meetings with delegates of Baden-Wurttemberg, Dr. Islam Khalil and Dr. Amr Elmougy are in a continuous and simultaneous interactions with visitors from all over the world. Meanwhile students from our Cairo campus and Berlin campus are interacting and describe functionality of the HeliMag system and Internet-of-things project to visitors and experts from all over the world at the Hannover Exhibition.

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‪#Smart_Campus  ‪#IOT ‪#Internet_of_things


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