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Ahmed Abdelfattah Award Winner for Scientific Achievements

In GUC News
Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Ahmed Abdelfattah got his Bachelor degree in Pharmacy & Biotechnology from the German University in Cairo in year 2009. After graduation he joined the GUC community as a teaching assistant in the faculty of Pharmacy & Biotechnology. 

Afterward Ahmed was interested to join the corporate world where he joined Proctor and Gamble in Belgium as an intern and based on the high performance he got a full time job for 6 months. 

He got his PhD from University of Alberta, Canada where he received the prestigious "Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships" Award during his doctoral study. This is an award on the whole national level of Canada and only for highly qualified doctoral students. And after his doctoral degree he got a job in Janelia campus of Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI), which is among the top 3 institutes worldwide in the field of Chem-biology. 

Ahmed Abdelfattah is considered one of the leading talents among the world, he succeeded to make his first publication in "Science" Journal at the age of 24, and furthermore he published in “Nature” journal at a young age.


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