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GUC ARAtronics: Mind and Artificial Limb Communication Interface

In GUC News
Sunday, March 18, 2108

The vision of the laboratory is dedicated to the development of novel micro sensors and actuators for nano-scale measurement and control. In ARAtronics Laboratory uses the diversity of science (Modern Control theories, Robotics, Optics, Material Science, Physic, Chemistry, Structural Dynamics, Vibration, Sensing Technology ) to develop a feasible solutions for Mechatronics applications in research and industry. Most of the research projects use “whispering gallery mode” (WGM) resonators for ultra-sensitive measurements and control with high resolution in time and space.  The dielectric resonators used are high optical quality polymeric spheres. The measurement principle is based on the detection of extremely small sphere deformations by monitoring the corresponding optical mode (WGM) shifts. Several photonic sensors and actuators are developed and demonstrated in the ARAtronics Lab including force, strain, wall shear stress, temperature, and pressure.  Recent work has focused on the development of a micro-photonic seismometer as well as electric and magnetic field sensors.  Because of the extreme sensitivity of the microsphere WGM to external conditions, a wide range of applications exist ranging from medicine to industry.

The research interests are centered on: 

•             Robotic orthoses, prostheses and rehabilitation devices for people with disabilities

•             Medical robotics, especially novel robotic applications in Minimally Invasive, Natural Orifice, and Image Guided and Haptic Assisted Surgery

•             In vivo and in vitro measurement of mechanical properties of biological tissue 

These foci touch upon fundamentals in analytical dynamics, nonlinear control of mechanical systems, computer aided design and virtual prototyping, applied mathematics, data acquisition, signal processing, and high.


In the ARAtronics lab enables everyone to be a neuroscientist! It  provides affordable neuroscience experiment kits for students of all ages to learn (hands-on) about electrophysiology. Now everyone from schoolchildren to grad students and every grade in between can experiment with similar tools used by real neuroscientists worldwide! By following a few simple steps, everyone can experience first-hand how the brain communicates with our senses, memories, hopes, and desires

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