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GUC meets Baden-Württemberg Investors in Dollenberg

In GUC News
Sunday, April 1, 2018

Prof. Dr. Ashraf Mansour Prime Founder of GUC and Chairman to the Board of Trustees was invited as a keynote speaker to the “Dialogue Dollenberg” - a discussion round for experts in economy and investment and politics of the state Baden-Württemberg.

Mr. Willi Stächele, Chairman of the Dollenberg Dialog and Head of Foreign Affairs Committee of the Baden-Württemberg parliament extended the invitation to Prof. Dr. Ashraf Mansour to brief about the Positive Climate of Investment in Egypt.

The distinguished event of the "Dialogue Dollenberg" was hosted by the state of Baden- Württemberg and was attended by eminent guests such as his excellency Klaus Kinkel former Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Federal Republic of Germany, Mr. Heinrich Haasis Director of the World Savings and Retail Banking, representatives of the politics, parliament, about one hundred medium and large companies, as well as representatives of banks and German financial institutions.

Accompanied by a delegation that included a number of economic experts and editors in chief of high ranked Egyptian media, Prof. Dr. Ashraf Mansour presented a panoramic overview of the rising Egyptian economy and the promising opportunities for foreign investment in Egypt. “The country currently enjoys great economic stability and has one of the most pluralistic economic systems in the Middle East and North Africa” as per Prof Mansour, who invited the 20 major German companies that are interested to invest in Egypt to participate in a major international conference in Cairo, organized by the German University (GUC) in the coming months, under the title «incentives for investment in Egypt»,



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