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German University in Cairo awards The Best Practice of Dual Education Prize to Focke Gmbh & Co. in Reinickendorfer Ausbildungsbuddy 2017, Berlin

In GUC News
Wednesday, October 25, 2017

German University in Cairo Prime Founder and Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Prof. Dr. Ashraf Mansour awarded GUC prize for best practice of Dual education application for the German company Focke & CO GmbH which is a mechanical engineering firm in Berlin during the Reinickendorfer Ausbildungsbuddy 2017, Berlin

Reinickendorfer municipality – where GUC Berlin campus is located- considers GUC not only as an academic institute through GUC Berlin campus but also an active contributor to the social development of Reinickendorf district. The award is an initiative to support entrepreneurs and career change seekers  during the transition phase from education to work. The prize  is awarded to Reinickendorfer companies who support their employees in order to raise their capacities and skills.

Prof. Dr. Ashraf Mansour awarded the winning company- Focke &Co GmbH  -  special courses in graphic design at the German University in Cairo - Campus Berlin. 


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