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Cooperation agreement Between GUC & ElSweedy Group to offer 50 scholarships

In GUC News
Saturday, October 7, 2017

GUC signed a cooperation agreement with El-Sweedy group to offer 50 scholarships over two years to talented, high achievers of Egyptian high school graduates from different Egyptian governorates. The scholarship program will cover all GUC tuition fees. This protocol is an example of the integration between industry and academia. It will be added to the patch of scholarships that GUC is offering to Egyptian high school Certificate “Thanawya Amma” graduates.

Prof. Ashraf Mansour, GUC Prime Founder and Chairman to the Board of Trustees signed represented GUC in the Protocol & Eng. Sadek ElSweedy Represented ElSweedy Group.

 The agreement was attended by Representative of the Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El Sisi Minister for Higher Education Prof. Khaled AbdelGhafar, El-Sweedy Group board members, GUC Members of Board of Trustees GUC Former president Mahmoud Hashem, GUC newly elected President Prof. Yasser Gamal Hegazy, President of the German Academic Exchange Service DAAD Prof. Margret Wintermantel, and DAAD General Secretary Dr. Dorothea Rueland. DAAD Head of German Study Offers in the Near East, Asia, Africa and Latin America Frau Isabell Mering, and President of Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst Leipzig Prof. Dr. Thomas Locher , Prof. Gamal shiha Head of Higher Education and Scientific Research Committee in the Egyptian Parliament

GUC guests also included Regional Manager of Baden-Württemberg International Cooperation Ms. Alexandra Ahmed, Head of International Office at ULM University Frau Daniela Englisch, Deputy Director of International Office Stuttgart University Mrs. Marion Hoecke, Vice-President for Research and International Cooperation HTW Berlin Prof. Mathias Knaut, Honorary Chairman of the Economic board Germany CEO Institute for Management GmbH Mr. Prof. Dr. Ulrich Zeitel, Managing Director RIVA GmbH Engineering Mr. Hermann Puettmer, Shareholder RIVA Immobilien Mr. Michele Bonfiglio, Partner at Dr Horn Economic Consultancy and Chartered Dr. Ulrich Zuern


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