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The German University in Cairo Board of Trustees Meeting in Aswan

In GUC News
Sunday, April 1, 2018

The German University in Cairo Board of Trustees held its meeting for fall 2018 in Aswan.  The Board agenda covered issues that highlight the influential role of GUC as an international German Education icon in MENA. The Board included Secretary General of DAAD Dr. Dorothea Rüland; German Ambassador to Egypt Julius Georg Luy; President of Stuttgart University Prof. Wolfram Ressel,  President of Ulm University Prof. ,GUC Prime Founder and Chairman of the BOT Prof. Ashraf Mansour; ;  GUC Vice Chairman Prof. Dieter Fritsch; GUC Dean of Post Graduate Studies Prof. Ibrahim El Dimeery;  Dr. Ulrich Zuern Partner at Dr. Horn Economic Consultancy & Chartered Accountant in Ulm; Former President of Egyptian Research Academy Prof. Hamdy Abdelaziz.  The meeting of the Board of trustees is third one to be held in one of the Egyptian world touristic attraction – after it was being held in  Sharm elsheikh and Luxor-  as an initiative to present different Egyptian world class touristic value


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