17th to 19th of January 2016

The Civil Engineering program in the German University in Cairo is organizing and hosting short training course on Geotechnical modeling using PLAXIS 2015 software. This 3-day training course will focus on geotechnical modeling using PLAXIS 2D and 3D. PLAXIS is a user friendly computer program that is used worldwide by engineers to investigate practical problems for geotechnical deformations, stability assessment, consolidation analysis, and soil-structure interaction. New features in modeling, calculations, and script environment of recent version PLAXIS 2015 will be introduced. The training main topics will include constitutive laws of stress-strain relations, elastoplastic analysis, consolidation and time-dependent behavior, retaining structures of excavation, slope stability, and analysis of raft foundation, piles and tunnels. Several cases studies studied by PLAXIS will be illustrated.

This training course is targeting professional engineers, graduate students, researchers and senior students from Civil Engineering industry and Universities. At the end of the training course, each participant will receive an official Certificate of Training authorized by PLAXIS. The training course will be organized at the German University in Cairo.

Course Coordinator:

D r . Mona Badr El-Din Anwar

Associate Professor of Geotechnical Engineering

The Civil Engineering Program, Room D1-331

Faculty of Engineering and Materials Science


Course Instructor:

Prof. Dr. Yasser El-Mossallamy

Professor of Geotechnical Engineering

Civil Eng. Dept., Faculty of Engineering

Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt.



1.Fill in the registration electronic form in the below link:

Registration dead line: 24th of December 2015

2. Press Submit button and you will receive an ID registration number (please keep it)

3. Within two days, you will receive your registration confirmation by email and ID number for payment before the deadline to officially reserve a seat in the training. Then, you need to pay the registration fees in the GUC account at the nearest CIB bank branch using the emailed ID payment number.

4. Please send a scanned copy of the bank receipt by email to the Course coordinator Dr. Mona Badr of GUC to confirm your seat reservation, and submit the original copy of the receipt in the first day of the training.

5. Cancelation policy: if cancelation will take place, you shall notify the course coordinator by e-mail not later than 10th of January. 10% of the paid amount will be deducted as administration fees.

For any further quires contact the course coordinator by e-mail

Course details :../..//Events/GEO_PLAXIS/PLAXIS%20Training%20course-Tentative%20sch.pdf

Detailed program :../..//Events/GEO_PLAXIS/PLAXIS%20workshopIIIB.pdf


Prof. Dr. Ibrahim El-Dimeery

Prof. Dr. Moustafa Baraka

Prof. Dr. Nayer El-Esnawy

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mona Badr El-Din

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Amr Shaat


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